The Challenge
Every marketer knows that trade shows are a huge investment. They’re great for brand awareness and lead generation, but it can be difficult to show direct ROI.
As a long-time HubSpot user, Varis wanted to use the platform to turn historical event data into a scalable process that would serve as a baseline for reporting on future event nurture campaigns while also proving ROI.
The Solution
Working with the events coordinator at Varis, we identified the most valuable metrics related to pre- and post-event nurture campaigns:
- Email open ratesÂ
- Email click-through rates
- Landing page views
- Form completions requesting demos at the event
- Lifecycles stages by last touch converting campaignÂ
Next, we created a number of custom reports within HubSpot to track campaign performance that lived within a single, easy-to-view dashboard. We also ensured that data like contact/company info and lead/referral source would map over to the correct fields in their sales team’s CRM, Microsoft Dynamics.
While setting up reporting, our creative team was also hard at work developing emails, landing pages and forms for an average of 7-10 events each quarter. This included pre- and post-event nurturing campaigns as well as in-booth signage for giveaways.
The Outcome
Our comprehensive KPI dashboard shaved hours of the old method of manually reporting on campaign performance. The event coordinator can now provide real-time updates during planning meetings and has data to make informed budget decisions about upcoming events. It also allows us to approach event-based email nurturing efforts in a more strategic manner.
The result? Event emails routinely received a 30-40% open rate with active campaigns that often influenced over 100-300 contacts each. Additionally, 15% of landing page views turned into a booked appointment—a 3x improvement over previous efforts.